Created by Masahiro Sakurai in 1999, Super Smash Bros. is a series of platform-fighting games populated by some of Nintendo's greatest characters. When the first game was released on the Nintendo 64, it boasted 12 playable characters. The most recent entry, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, released in 2018, contains 70+ fighters. The game series also sees much attention in the world of competitive gaming, with both Ultimate and the series' second entry, Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001), having large fanbases worldwide.
Subject ID: 90615
MoreCreated by Masahiro Sakurai in 1999, Super Smash Bros. is a series of platform-fighting games populated by some of Nintendo's greatest characters. When the first game was released on the Nintendo 64, it boasted 12 playable characters. The most recent entry, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, released in 2018, contains 70+ fighters. The game series also sees much attention in the world of competitive gaming, with both Ultimate and the series' second entry, Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001), having large fanbases worldwide.
Subject ID: 90615
Subject ID: 90615
Exclusively at Best Buy at launch.
the Japanese release was on November 8 2019.
Exclusively at GameStop at launch.
Exclusively at GameStop at launch.
It was given as prize to the winners at Super Smash Bros. Ultimate amiibo + me Exhibition 2023
Exclusively at Amazon at launch.
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