Tate Langdon is a fictional character featured in the FX anthology series, American Horror Story, primarily portrayed by Evan Peters. He was a seventeen-year-old who shot up his own high school shortly before his death, killing several students and injuring his mother's then-boyfriend. Because he died on the property of the Murder House, his soul latched onto the land -- being forever imprisoned within the walls of the home. He is the son of Constance Langdon.
Shortly after the Harmon's move into their new home, Tate wears a latex costume and engages in nonconsensual sex with Vivien Harmon -- with her believing him to be her husband. Because of this, Viven becomes impregnated with Tate's child, alongside her husband's, Ben Harmon.
Subject ID: 65135
MoreTate Langdon is a fictional character featured in the FX anthology series, American Horror Story, primarily portrayed by Evan Peters. He was a seventeen-year-old who shot up his own high school shortly before his death, killing several students and injuring his mother's then-boyfriend. Because he died on the property of the Murder House, his soul latched onto the land -- being forever imprisoned within the walls of the home. He is the son of Constance Langdon.
Shortly after the Harmon's move into their new home, Tate wears a latex costume and engages in nonconsensual sex with Vivien Harmon -- with her believing him to be her husband. Because of this, Viven becomes impregnated with Tate's child, alongside her husband's, Ben Harmon.
Subject ID: 65135
Subject ID: 65135