Negative Man is a fictional superhero from DC Comics. The character was created by Bob Haney, Arnold Drake, and Bruno Premiani and made his first appearance in My Greatest Adventure #80. Negative Man has appeared in numerous cartoon television shows and films. He made his first live-action appearance as a guest star on the DC Universe series, Titans, played by Dwain Murphy and voiced by Matt Bomer.
Subject ID: 111041
MoreNegative Man is a fictional superhero from DC Comics. The character was created by Bob Haney, Arnold Drake, and Bruno Premiani and made his first appearance in My Greatest Adventure #80. Negative Man has appeared in numerous cartoon television shows and films. He made his first live-action appearance as a guest star on the DC Universe series, Titans, played by Dwain Murphy and voiced by Matt Bomer.
Subject ID: 111041
Subject ID: 111041