The Gray Ghost is a name used by two unrelated legacies in the DC Universe. During the 19th Century it was used by a series of masked avengers against those who betrayed the confederacy. This put them into conflict with legendary bounty hunter Jonah Hex. This Gray Ghost was created by Michael Fleisher and Tony DeZuniga, first appearing in Jonah Hex #85. (1984)
Subject ID: 87069
MoreThe Gray Ghost is a name used by two unrelated legacies in the DC Universe. During the 19th Century it was used by a series of masked avengers against those who betrayed the confederacy. This put them into conflict with legendary bounty hunter Jonah Hex. This Gray Ghost was created by Michael Fleisher and Tony DeZuniga, first appearing in Jonah Hex #85. (1984)
Subject ID: 87069
Subject ID: 87069
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