In 1990 SIKU started with the series "Siku-Club-Serie". Initially this series only consisted of 12 simple truck and van models, all of the same length (75 mm) so they all fit into the same standard blister packaging (similar to Matchbox). With this series SIKU abandoned their standard of keeping all their models in the same scale of 1:55. In 1992 the Siku-Club-Serie was expanded to 30 models. In 1993 the series was stopped and the models were integrated into the 1000-Series.
Subject ID: 60097
MoreIn 1990 SIKU started with the series "Siku-Club-Serie". Initially this series only consisted of 12 simple truck and van models, all of the same length (75 mm) so they all fit into the same standard blister packaging (similar to Matchbox). With this series SIKU abandoned their standard of keeping all their models in the same scale of 1:55. In 1992 the Siku-Club-Serie was expanded to 30 models. In 1993 the series was stopped and the models were integrated into the 1000-Series.
Subject ID: 60097
Subject ID: 60097