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Cartman arrives at Youtooz, sitting behind his desk at 3.4 inches. He is dressed in his yellow and blue hat with his red jacket, both of his hands on his face. He has his mic situated on the left side of his desk as he also wears a hot pink headset on his head. The exterior of his double-walled window box shows the inside of Cartman's bedroom with his desk and computer in frame. The interior is the South Park logo repeating on a grayscale pattern. The protective sleeve shows Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Kyle peeking in from the corners on top of a black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
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I didn't say they're real. They're not real.
Cartman returns to Youtooz, with some... noticeable enhancements made. Dressed with his usual teal and yellow hat covering his head, Cartman's red shirt stretches quite a bit to hold the extra chest area. The exterior of his packaging shows the hallways of the school while the interior is a simple greyscale repeating pattern of the South Park Logo. The protective sleeve shows the four boys' faces peeking from the corners of the packaging over a rich black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
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Mans is CHEESED up.
Cheesing Kenny stands at 3.4 inches, wearing his infamous orange hoodie, although it is a bit disheveled, with only his eyes showing. Under his eyes is a yellow "cheese" looking stain and his eyeballs are looking in 2 different directions. Accompanying Kenny on his right is a brown cat with pink ears. The exterior of his double-walled window box shows a dark interior with metal walls and cats roaming around the place. The interior is the South Park logo repeating on a grayscale pattern. The protective sleeve shows Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Kyle peeking in from the corners on top of a black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
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Let's get out of here. Go buy a farm and live off the land.
Farmer Randy stands at 4.6 inches, dressed in a blue colorway plaid shirt with a brown jacket. He is accessorized with a straw hat and ripped cargo pants. Under his right arm he holds a stack of cannabis leaves with a rolled joint in his left hand. He wears a big smile on his face as he starts his days on his farm. Standing next to his left is Towlie, looking as eager as ever to help on the farm. The exterior of his double-walled window box shows Randy's farm during a really pretty sunset. The interior is the South Park logo repeating on a grayscale pattern. The protective sleeve shows Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Kyle peeking in from the corners on top of a black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
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Butters, we are a very select, elite fighting team sent to protect the world from evil, and you can't play with us.
Cartmen makes his return, this time ditching his shirt to become Bulrog the tough brute ninja who has dedicated his life to eradicating hippies! Standing at 3.5 inches tall he clumsily wields a pair of sai dangerously close to his head which is covered with a snug blue and yellow beanie, while his large stomach spills over the tight yellow belt that holds up his red pants The exterior of his packaging shows a market lit by the beautiful haze of sunset While the interior is a simple greyscale repeating pattern of the South Park Logo The protective sleeve shows the four boys' faces peeking from the corners of the packaging over a rich black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
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Kenny returns and is ready to cause grievous bodily harm as Kensuke! Standing at 3.4 inches tall he’s posed brandishing a sharp shuriken threateningly in each outstretched arm. His furrowed brows radiate pure rage from his tightened hood as his bright orange jacket is spread open at the front to expose his bare chest, showing he’s ready for business. The exterior of his packaging shows a peaceful snow covered ravine. While the interior is a simple greyscale repeating pattern of the South Park Logo The protective sleeve shows the four boys' faces peeking from the corners of the packaging over a rich black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
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Okay, hang on guys. I'll use my special power to see into the future and find out where we should head next.
Kyle makes his Youtooz debut as his ninja persona Bunraku, a deadly but compassionate ninja who protects those in trouble. At 3.4 inches tall he stares forward and grips a pair of nunchaku across his front, its chain held taught and ready for an onslaught. He wears a warm green flapped hat and matching gloves, his bright orange shirt is sleeveless orange for optimum mobility of course. The exterior of his packaging shows the glass cases of the weapon ‘shop’ where the boys procured their arms. While the interior is a simple greyscale repeating pattern of the South Park Logo The protective sleeve shows the four boys' faces peeking from the corners of the packaging over a rich black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
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All right, ninjas! Let's go protect the world!
Stan debuts his very first Youtooz with his ninja alter ego Shadowhachi, born to fight evil and people he doesn’t like! Standing at 3.5 inches tall and brandishing a fearsome wooden tonfa in each of his red gloved hands, his face flashes with a determined smile as he prepares his next attack! He wears a brown vest with torn sleeves held tightly in place with a blue belt along with a red and blue beanie. The exterior of his packaging perfectly sets the scene for a formidable showdown in a decrepit back alley. While the interior is a simple greyscale repeating pattern of the South Park Logo The protective sleeve shows the four boys' faces peeking from the corners of the packaging over a rich black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
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Seniors of South Park, I don't know about you, but I am mad!!
Grandpa Marsh is sculpted at 4.2 inches with an angry expression on his face. He is wearing a dark purple sweater with black pants and is seen sitting on his electric wheelchair. He is wearing a yellow and blue Happy Birthday bib and holds a black fork in his left hand. The exterior of his double-walled window box shows the inside of the Marsh's home, the dining table festively decorated with a birthday cake. The interior is the South Park logo repeating on a grayscale pattern. The protective sleeve shows Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Kyle peeking in from the corners on top of a black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
Official Marketing Text:
Give him a couple of minutes... this might take a while...
Kenny is trying his best to get some things out. Seated at 3.9 inches, Kenny is sculpted on the toilet. Dressed in his orange hoodie, his pants are half off while he tries to finish his business. The toilet is a color white with a flush lever on the top left. The exterior of his double-walled window box shows the inside of a bathroom. The interior is the South Park logo repeating on a grayscale pattern. The protective sleeve shows Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Kyle peeking in from the corners on top of a black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
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The hulking mammoth demon (that is absolutely real) rampages into Youtooz! Posed in a threatening stance at 5 inches tall, this beast is full fronting with menacing yellow eyes and a thick shaggy brown fur covering half its body as it wields a sharpened paw. His incredibly muscular body bulges and ripples from a gnarled snaring pig face down to his horrifying talons, while thick bright red blood covers his head and drips down his torso in streaks and patches as twisted hand reaches up with contorted fingers. The exterior of his packaging is a beautiful snow covered field surrounded by tall trees under a burnt evening sky. While the interior is a simple greyscale repeating pattern of the South Park Logo. The protective sleeve shows the four boys' faces peeking from the corners of the packaging over a rich black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
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Gooooood morno from Cartman himself! I would look that happy waking up every morning too, especially if I had those insanely dripped out dinosaur pajamas! Standing at 3.3 inches tall, Cartman is seen freshly awake from a good night's sleep dressed in a matching set of pj's. The top and bottom are both a light gray color that is complimented with a dino pattern going across the top and pants in various colors like reds, greens, blues, and purples. With his very apparently bed hair, Cartman wears a huge smile on his face. The exterior of his double-walled packaging shows the inside of his bedroom, with some clothes scattered around on the ground. The interior is the South Park logo repeating on a grayscale pattern. The protective sleeve shows Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Kyle peeking in from the corners on top of a black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping. shipping.
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Watch your micro-aggressions, bro! The woke king, PC Principal makes his debut at Youtooz with his very own figure! Standing at 4.9 inches, this man means business and is not here to play around. He shows a stern expression on his face, with his mouth slightly curved downward and his eyes covered by dark tinted glasses. His dirty blond hair is styled over to the right side and his arms are crossed in front of his chest, with his hands underneath his armpits. He is dressed in his usual attire of a blue button up collar shirt and khaki pants, alongside his black sneakers. The exterior of his double-walled packaging takes place inside of his office, where his desk is in view as well as a cow poster and a certificate that is hanging on the wall. The interior is the South Park logo repeating on a grayscale pattern. The protective sleeve shows Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Kyle peeking in from the corners on top of a black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping. shipping.
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Name a person less effected by pee, go on, I'll wait. Standing at 4.7 inches, THE PiPi, owner of PiPi's Splashtown, is making waves (of water, maybe) with his Youtooz debut! Standing at 4.7 inches, Pipi is dressed as dapper as ever with a matching yellow suit for his jacket and pants, while underneath he wears a green vest jacket and a popping red bowtie. On top of his head is a brown hat that matches his brown dress shoes. Both of his hands are posed gripping to each side of his yellow jacket. The exterior of his double-walled packaging illustrates the entrance of Pipi's Splashtown. The interior is the South Park logo repeating on a grayscale pattern. The protective sleeve shows Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Kyle peeking in from the corners on top of a black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping. shipping.
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Hey guys, it's Eric from South Park Realty Group! Cartman returns with a new look, ready to sell you the next best home in the South Park area. Are you ready to move out of the city? Eric Cartman is your guy! Standing at 3.1, this man is a power house with the amount of income he has generated for himself - just look at the gold watch that he is flexing on his left arm! His hair is styled in a sleeked back look and parted towards the right side of his face. He is dressed in all black, with a black button-up shirt and matching pants. With a back bending position, Cartman is seen laughing as his arms are crossed in front of his chest and his double chin is very much in view. The exterior of his double-walled packaging shows the front lawns of some homes. The interior is the South Park logo repeating on a grayscale pattern. The protective sleeve shows Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Kyle peeking in from the corners on top of a black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping. shipping.
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Oooooooh boy, someone's feeling extra lucky this year. Sitting on a plastic lawn chair in an extremely relaxed demeanor is everyone's favorite, Towelie! With his eyes half open and the whites of his eyes just a tiny bit pink, Towelie is in the St. Patrick's day spirit as he has changed from his normal blue self to a more festive green tone. He sits as his back is leaned into the chair, with his legs crossed in front of him. His right arm is resting on the armrest next to him as his left hand is busy holding up a black pipe that is attached to his mouth. Hey it's been a long week, give the man a break. The exterior of his double-walled packaging shows a farmland, with a barn and a home in view surrounded by greenery all around. The interior is the South Park logo repeating on a grayscale pattern. The protective sleeve shows Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Kyle peeking in from the corners on top of a black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping. shipping.
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Towelie makes his debut to soak up Youtooz! At a super high 3.5 inches tall, his thin ruffled purple body folds back in a curl and is stripped with two white lines both top and bottom. With bagged bloodshot red eyes he holds a blunt in the fingers of one raised hand as the other grips a green lighter, all while his two yellow feet prop him up precariously on thin white legs. The exterior of his packaging sees a sleek herbal dispensary, while the interior is a simple greyscale repeating pattern of the South Park Logo. The protective sleeve shows the four boys' faces peeking from the corners of the packaging over a rich black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
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‘You can do lots of damage, when you’re on your phone”
The dynamic duo hits Youtooz in full force! The pair is posed standing at 3.4 inches tall in perfect unison with twin subtle smiles and their arms by their sides. Tweaks long blonde hair fans out in thick spikes while the fringe peeks over his head as he’s dressed in a long sleeve khaki shirt that’s buttoned up incorrectly at the front. Craig wears his iconic blue hat with long ear flaps as well as a yellow pom pom on its top and a thick blue snow coat. The exterior of their packaging sees the two with cotton candy at an amusement park. While the interior is a simple greyscale repeating pattern of the South Park Logo. The protective sleeve shows Tweek and Craig on the front as well as the four main boys' faces peeking from the corners of the packaging over a rich black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
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