Steve Englehart is an American writer of comic books and novels. He is best known for his work at Marvel Comics and DC Comics in the 1970s and 1980s. His pseudonyms have included John Harkness and Cliff Garnett.
Subject ID: 117891
MoreSteve Englehart is an American writer of comic books and novels. He is best known for his work at Marvel Comics and DC Comics in the 1970s and 1980s. His pseudonyms have included John Harkness and Cliff Garnett.
Subject ID: 117891
Subject ID: 117891
"In The Beginning Was The World Within!" Guest starring Sif. The Avengers have survived their epic encounter with the Sentinels, but there's one big problem. Quicksilver is missing! Pietro disappeared during the battle in Australia. And now the Scarlet Witch is frantically trying to find him! Luckily, Wanda gets a tip about mysterious disappearances occurring in Chile. After the Black Panther rejoins the team, the Avengers take off for South America! Upon landing T'challa leads the group of heroes to the Savage Land and the former citadel of Magneto. Poking around the Master of Magnetism's old base of that a good idea? There could be danger lurking! Particularly evil mutants like Amphibius, Barbarus, Brainchild, Equilibrius, Gaza, Lorelei, and Lupo! Can Earth's Mightiest Heroes make short work of Magneto's minions? Or will the Beast-Brood halt the Avengers' jungle safari? Cameo appearances by Fandral, Hildegarde, and Hogun. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: Magneto's citadel and the Beast-Brood previously appeared in Uncanny X-Men 63. Steve Englehart begins his 4-year run as the writer of the Avengers series.)
"A Traitor Stalks Among Us!" Part 1 of 3. Wanda has found another lead in the search for her missing brother. In hopes of finding Pietro, four avengers explore an underground tunnel in Manhattan! But something strange is going on beneath the streets...and the Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man, and Hawkeye suddenly begin fighting one another! Could an old foe from long ago be manipulating the Avengers? Or maybe a super-villain of more recent vintage? Perhaps the answer is both! Meanwhile at Avengers Mansion, the Vision continues to ponder the Grim Reaper's offer to inhabit Simon Williams' comatose body. Captain America attempts to counsel the synthezoid avenger, but is interrupted by Rick Jones' barging into the mansion! Upon seeing Rick, the shield-slinger suffers a flashback to a battle vs. Hydra several months ago (in Captain America 113)! Very strange indeed! Cameo appearances by Captain Marvel and the Grim Reaper. (Note: The Space Phantom previously appeared way back in Avengers (1st series) 2.)
"The Master Plan of the Space Phantom!" Part 2 of 3. The Space Phantom is back! And the Grim Reaper is right by his side! Four avengers have already fallen to the deadly duo and now only Captain America and the Vision remain free! The star-spangled avenger visits an old Hydra hideout to solve the mystery of his sudden flashbacks, while the synthezoid avenger wanders through Central Park. When the Grim Reaper catches up to the Vision, he makes him a final, yet different offer: Forget the body of Simon Williams, take the body of Captain America instead! Wow, would the Vision agree to that? Stay tuned! Flashback cameos by the original Avengers, Loki, Jane Foster, Rick Jones, and Madame Hydra to recap the events of Avengers (1st series) 2, Thor 108, and Captain America 113, respectively. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Captain America, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, and the Vision. (Note: The letters page includes a letter from Elfquest creator Wendy Pini.)
"Check and Mate!" Part 3 of 3. In a shocking development, the Vision accepts the Grim Reaper's offer! How could the synthezoid avenger betray his teammates?! Perhaps the Vision along with Captain America has an ulterior motive to trick Eric Williams! The two avengers successfully fool the Grim Reaper, but not the Space Phantom! In the strange alien's headquarters, Earth's Mightiest Heroes fight to the finish vs. the reaper, the phantom, and the hordes of Hydra! An action-packed issue! Cameo appearances by Captain Marvel, Rick Jones, and Thor. (Notes: The Grim Reaper returns in the classic Avengers 160. Wonder Man's body comes to life in Avengers 151.)
"The Measure of a Man!" Hawkeye feels restless in his current stint with the Avengers, because the Scarlet Witch has declared her affection for the Vision. The ace archer decides to leaves the Fifth Avenue mansion, and shortly thereafter bumps into a man called Champion. He's a 9-foot tall multi-millionaire that wants Clint Barton to teach him the sport of archery! Hawkeye agrees and the duo departs for California to begin training. Everything with the archery instruction is going smoothly, but perhaps a little too smoothly! Especially when Hawkeye discovers Champion's diabolical plot to bomb the San Andreas Fault! Fortunately though, the remaining avengers decide to check up on their teammate...and just in the nick of time! Earth's Mightiest Heroes clash on the coast to dethrone the Champion! Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: Champion returns many years later in Marvel Comics Presents 125.
"And Now Magneto!" Part 1 of 3. Guest-starring the X-Men. One of the classic Avengers issues of the bronze age! Magneto is back! And as depicted on the fabulous cover, he's already trashed the Uncanny X-Men...and the Mighty Avengers are next! The story begins in the Avengers' meeting room when a strange video starts playing on the communication screen. The video shows a large ransacked mansion and a beleaguered man lying next to a wheelchair. Is that Professor X? The thunder god thinks so! But unfortunately the Avengers don't know where the professor's school for gifted youngsters is located! However after searching for a while, Earth's Mightiest Heroes start finding things! First, they find the X-Men's home, then Cyclops, Marvel Girl, and Iceman out cold on the floor; and finally, big-time trouble! Flying boulders, rampaging dinosaurs, and oh yes, the Master of Magnetism himself! A terrific issue! Story continues in Daredevil 99 (part 2). Cameo appearances by Crystal and Quicksilver to explain what took place behind the scenes in Avengers 104. Cameo appearances by Hawkeye and Ivan Petrovitch in San Francisco. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: Magneto previously appeared in Amazing Adventures (2nd series) 10. This is Magneto's only clash with the X-Men during the time period (early 1970's) in which the X-Men series was in reprint.)
"With Two Beside Them!" Part 3 of 3. Guest-starring the Black Widow, Daredevil, and the X-Men. Story continues from Daredevil 99 (part 2). Magneto stands triumphant! The X-Men's long-time foe and his lackey, the Piper, have taken Captain America, Iron Man, and the Scarlet Witch prisoner along with Professor X, Cyclops, Marvel Girl, and Iceman! And now the Master of Magnetism is planning to raid a top secret meeting of the Atomic Energy Commission! However, since their defeat last issue, the remaining avengers have been busy recruiting superhero help! Namely Daredevil and the Black Widow! When Earth's Mightiest Heroes at last locate Magneto's underground lair, the super showdown begins! Will the Avengers finally repulse the Master of Magnetism? Cameo appearance by Hawkeye. Flashback cameos by Angel, Quicksilver, Mastermind, and the Toad. (Notes: Magneto appears next in Defenders 15. The Avengers battle Magneto again in Super-Villain Team-Up 14.)
"The Lion God Lives!" First appearance of Mantis. A mob of African protesters gathers outside Avengers Mansion and demands that the Black Panther return to his native Wakanda! When T'Challa goes outside to talk, he's kidnapped by their leader, the Lion God! Then the mob disperses and the Avengers are left wondering what just happened! However several hours later, the Lion God returns to the mansion and the no-holds-barred battle begins! Unfortunately, Earth's Mightiest Heroes fall one-by-one until only the Avengers' resident god remains! Can the Mighty Thor bring down the thunder and lightning and silence the Lion God's roar? Meanwhile on the other side of the globe, a mysterious couple makes plans to travel to the United States and join the Avengers. Cameo appearances by Mantis and the Swordsman. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Black Widow, Captain America, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision.
"Your Young Men Shall Slay Visions!" The Vision and the Scarlet Witch have made their love for one another known to the general public! How will the outside world react to a mutant and a synthezoid involved in a relationship? Regrettably, not very well. After Wanda and the Vision are spotted kissing atop the Statue of Liberty, a bizarre group of domestic terrorists devises a plot to kill the Vision! What is the method for their madness? Suicide bombing. The terrorists' first bombing attempt doesn't slay the synthezoid avenger, but leaves him seriously wounded. Iron Man takes the Vision to Stark Industries' Long Island plant where Dr. Donald Blake, Tony Stark, and T'Challa work to repair their critically injured teammate! Leaving Captain America and the Scarlet Witch to stave off the terrorists' second bombing run! It's a desperate fight for survival for Earth's Mightiest Heroes! Cameo appearances by Mantis and the Swordsman. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision. (Note: This issue was published in 1973 and may have been ahead of its time.)
"Night of the Swordsman" Still upset over the events of last issue, the Scarlet Witch takes a walk through Manhattan to unwind. But along the way Wanda runs into trouble with some construction workers! However, a brand new heroine arrives on the scene to help her! Who is Mantis and where did she come from? When Wanda and her new friend return to the mansion, another surprise guest shows up! The Swordsman! Wow, the Avengers' long-time foe and former member of the Lethal Legion wants to join the Avengers! Captain America immediately squashes that notion, but surprisingly the remaining members of the team agree to give the Swordsman a chance! And several days later when the Lion God returns, Earth's Mightiest Heroes are glad they did! Cameo appearances by the Hulk, Hawkeye, and Zzzax. Flashback cameos by Crystal, Quicksilver, and Goliath (aka Hank Pym). Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Captain America, Mantis, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Swordsman, Thor, and the Vision.
"Below Us The Battle!" Avengers-Defenders crossover. The Avengers fly to Great Britain to visit their fellow avenger, the Black Knight! But when the team approaches Garrett Castle, an invisible barrier repulses them! While Earth's Mightiest Heroes are devising a way to pierce the mystical barrier, a group of troglodytes attack! Where did these grotesque creatures come from? Surprisingly, the cave-dwellers get the best of the Avengers and throw them into a deep underground pit! Surrounded by complete darkness and with the troglodytes moving in for the kill, Earth's Mightiest Heroes turn to the Black Panther to save the day! Can T'Challa single-handedly lead the charge to victory? Flashback cameos by Magneto and Doctor Strange. Second story: "Alliance Most Foul!" Avengers-Defenders Clash Part 1 of 8. At the conclusion of Thor 207, a blind Loki fell off a high cliff and seemed headed toward certain death below! But unbeknownst to anyone, the god of lies and mischief was rescued by none other than the Dread Dormammu! Why would Dormammu do that and for what sinister purpose? If Loki and Dormammu were to join forces, who on Earth could stop them? Story continues in the second story of Defenders 8. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Captain America, Mantis, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Swordsman, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: The Black Knight most recently fought alongside Earth's Mightiest Heroes in Avengers 100. Dormammu previously appeared in Marvel Feature (1st series) 2. The letters page includes letters from comics artists Richard Howell and Dusty Vohland respectively.)
"Betrayal!" Avengers-Defenders crossover. Part 3 of 8. Guest-starring the Defenders. Story continues from Defenders 8. Earth's Mightiest Heroes visit Dr. Strange's townhouse in Greenwich Village and request permission to enter, but Wong slams the door in their faces! After an angry Thor breaks down the door, the Avengers storm inside, but a mystic spell sweeps them back out onto the street! Meanwhile gathered around the Orb of Agamotto, the Defenders put together a plan to find the six pieces of the Evil Eye. However, in the dark realm, Loki has grown suspicious of his dreadful ally! And contacts the Avengers to tell them about the Defenders' search for the ancient instrument from Avalon! So the die is cast! And the blockbuster battles are about to begin! Flashback cameos by Prester John, Wyatt Wingfoot, and the Human Torch to recap the history of the Evil Eye. Next Chapter: "The Silver Surfer vs. the Vision and the Scarlet Witch" The Avengers-Defenders Clash kicks into high gear as members of both teams span the globe to searching for the Evil Eye! And the first showdown features two of the most popular Marvel super-heroes of the 1970's! The Silver Surfer arrives in French Polynesia and plunges into the island's indigenous volcano to look for the Evil Eye. But the cosmic sky-rider's probing triggers a volcanic eruption! The fiery blast knocks a passing quinjet out of the sky and nearly kills the Scarlet Witch! Needless to say this act enrages the synthezoid avenger! And in the heart of the raging volcano, the Vision and the Silver Surfer fight for the Evil Eye! Story continues in Defenders 9. (Notes: The Evil Eye previously appeared in Fantastic Four 54. This issue includes a full-page survey for readers to complete and mail back to the Marvel bullpen.
"Holocaust" Avengers-Defenders crossover. Part 5 of 8. Guest-starring the Defenders and Sunfire. Story continues from Defenders 9. The Dread Dormammu is shocked to discover that the Avengers are battling the Defenders for the Evil Eye! However, the Defenders are having success, so he elects not to intervene at the moment. In the Southern hemisphere, a Bolivian castle is the setting for the next superhero showdown featuring superior swordplay! Valkyrie enters the castle first, but the former super-villain turned avenger interrupts her search! The Asgardian defender has the edge in strength, while the Swordsman has the edge in skill! Which warrior will prevail? Meanwhile on the other side of the world in Japan, the stage is set for a classic confrontation! Captain America vs. the Sub-Mariner! These two men previously fought as allies in the Land of the Rising Sun during World War II, but today they fight as adversaries for the Evil Eye! Just an awesome battle! And it gets even better when Sunfire joins the mix! A fantastic issue! Story continues in Defenders 10. (Note: Sunfire previously appeared in Sub-Mariner 54 and appears next in Iron Man 68.
"To The Death!" Avengers-Defenders crossover. Part 7 of 8. Guest-starring the Defenders. One of the classic Avengers issues of the bronze age! Story continues from Defenders 10. At last the truth stands revealed! Dormammu and Loki have tricked the Avengers and Defenders into gathering the Evil Eye! And now Dormammu has the Evil Eye and is using it to merge his dark dimension with Earth's! The fourteen super-heroes have one hour to beat the powerful super-villains before chaos envelopes the universe! Once inside the dark realm, the Dread One wipes out the Defenders! And after quicksand bogs down five avengers, only three remain to make the final charge! But when the thunder god and the golden avenger fall, the final hope of the universe rests with the Scarlet Witch! In the depths of the dark realm, can Wanda deliver the coup de grâce to the Dread Dormammu? Avengers Assemble! Story continues in Defenders 11. Cameo appearances by Contessa Valentina Allegro, Dum Dum Dugan, Nick Fury, the Watcher, Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Black Bolt, Gorgon, Karnak, Dracula, Ghost Rider, Luke Cage, Man-Thing, Ka-Zar, Zabu, Thanos, Adam Warlock, and Doctor Doom. (Notes: The Avengers-Defenders Clash was a masterpiece by Steve Englehart that set the standard for multi-issue crossovers (that have become much more common in the modern age). Crossover stories greater than 2 or 3 issues were very rare in the silver and bronze ages. The Avengers-Defenders Clash was reprinted in a trade paperback in 2002 and again in a hard cover edition in 2007. The Avengers appear in a cameo role in the final part of the story in Defenders 11. Dormammu returns in Doctor Strange (2nd series) 6. The letters page includes a letter from comics writer Ralph Macchio.)
"Night of the Collector" The Avengers' cataclysmic confrontation with Dormammu is over, and now the team is ready for rest and relaxation. To that end Earth's Mightiest Heroes participate in the Halloween parade in Rutland, Vermont! However, an old acquaintance with a penchant for collecting super-heroes is also present in the Green Mountain State on this all hallows eve! The ancient elder's plan gets off to a good start as the golden avenger, shield-slinger, thunder god, and panther fall before his arcane might! But four avengers remain on the loose! And with help from the local townsfolk, the four heroes will attempt to corral the Collector! Cameo appearances by Loki and Tom Fagan. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man, Mantis, Scarlet Witch, Swordsman, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: The Collector previously appeared in Iron Man (1st series) 26 and returns in Incredible Hulk 197. The Avengers also attended the Rutland parade in Avengers 83.)
"Death-Stars of the Zodiac!" Part 1 of 3. As shown on Jim Starlin's spectacular cover, the Zodiac attacks! Taurus (aka Cornelius Van Lunt) has reformed the 12-member cartel for one express purpose! Destroying the Avengers! In brazen fashion, the super-villains from the stars storm into Avengers Mansion and overwhelm the five avengers inside! After licking their wounds, Earth's Mightiest Heroes discover that Taurus has another diabolical objective on his agenda! Kill every person in Manhattan born under the sign of Gemini! Wow, where did the Zodiac get that kind of power? It doesn't matter now as Taurus' giant star-blaster is set to fire its death-ray from atop the World Trade Center! It's a frantic race against time to save thousands of Gemini! Avengers Assemble! Avengers Lineup: Iron Man, Mantis, Scarlet Witch, Swordsman, Thor, and the Vision. (Note: Captain America is depicted on the cover, but does not appear in the story inside.)
"Houses Divided Cannot Stand!" Part 2 of 3. At the World Trade Center, the ferocious battle between the Avengers and the Zodiac rages! After the Sentinel of Liberty joins the fight the tide turns in favor of the heroes! But when Aries throws Mantis off one of the 110-story towers, the tide takes a lethal turn! However in spectacular style, the Vision dramatically saves Mantis from certain death! Several hours later Earth's Mightiest Heroes track the Zodiac to Cornelius Van Lunt's New Jersey headquarters. And for the third time in as many days, the Mighty Avengers throw down with the super-villains from the stars! Meanwhile, as she recovers from her injuries, Mantis remains thoroughly impressed with the synthezoid avenger. Is that going to cause problems between her and the Swordsman? Stay tuned! Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man, Mantis, Scarlet Witch, Swordsman, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: The letters page contains Marvel Value Stamp series A #84 Dr. Doom. The bullpen bonus page contains promotional stamp #5 the Hulk. The promotional stamp is not to be confused with the actual series A stamp #5.)
"Trapped in Outer Space!" Part 3 of 3. Mere seconds ago Earth's Mightiest Heroes invaded Cornelius Van Lunt's New Jersey warehouse! But little did they realize the warehouse was actually a spaceship! And now five avengers and seven renegade zodiac are rocketing into outer space! Will the Avengers find their destiny written in the stars? Hopefully not like this! Fortunately though, another rebellious zodiac member, Libra, steals Taurus' star-cruiser and rescues both the heroes and the villains! And that sets the stage for one last free-for-all between the Avengers and the Zodiac! Can Thor, Shell-Head, T'Challa, Mantis, Wanda, and the Vision finally knock down the twelve houses of the Zodiac? Last 20¢ issue. (Notes: The cover to Avengers 122 is widely considered one of Gil Kane's best for Marvel. The Avengers on the cover are busting through pages from issue 120. The letters page contains a letter from comics artist Rick Hoberg. The letters page also contains Marvel Value Stamp series A #81 The Vision by John Buscema.)
"Vengeance in Vietnam!" Part 1 of 2. At the conclusion of last issue's blockbuster battle vs. the Zodiac, Libra made a surprise announcement: "I am the father of Mantis!" Wow, what a shock to the Avengers and Mantis too! Libra says he met Mantis' mother during the First Indochina War. And after a local crime lord, Monsieur Khruul, attacked his home, he gave his daughter to the Priests of Pama to be reared. Is this fact of fiction? Either way the Swordsman isn't waiting for answers! He jumps in a quinjet and makes a beeline for Saigon to confront his former boss! But that turns out to be a disastrous idea. By the time Earth's Mightiest Heroes arrive in Vietnam, the Swordsman has been defeated and forced to talk about Mantis' upbringing! The vindictive monsieur and his minions go to the Priests of Pama's' temple and the killing begins. The frustrated Avengers once again arrive too late, but as shown on the chilling two-page final panel, battle is coming to Earth's Mightiest Heroes next issue…and coming in spades! Origin of Libra. Partial origin of Mantis. Cameo appearances by the Zodiac and the Star-Stalker. First 25¢ issue. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Iron Man, Mantis, Scarlet Witch, Swordsman, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: The letters page contains Marvel Value Stamp series A #4 Thing (of the Fantastic Four) by John Buscema.
"Beware the Star-Stalker!" Part 2 of 2. The monster inside the Priests of Pama's temple stands revealed! It's the Star-Stalker! The ion-fueled creature from beyond the stars thrashes Earth's Mightiest Heroes and sends them running from the temple! The Avengers and Libra know they need more firepower, so the Black Panther arranges for Taurus' star-blaster to be flown to Vietnam! But when the Star-Stalker emerges from his cocoon, he crushes the powerful weapon and gets back to pounding the Avengers! Does this awesome beast have any weaknesses? If so, Mantis and the Vision better find it fast! Cameo appearance by Cornelius Van Lunt. Flashback cameo by the Zodiac and the Supreme Intelligence. (Notes: The letters page includes an essay from Stan Lee and Roy Thomas explaining the recent cover price increase to 25¢. The letters page also contains Marvel Value Stamp series A #81 Rhino.)
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