
Undead Creature | Species

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The Undead, commonly referred to as Zombies, refers to a living organism being reanimated after death. Although the concept of a human Zombie is highly unlikely to be found in the real-world, natural occurences have been reported through small inscets, such as the common fly, lady bugs, and spiders.

Within the realm of fiction, the term "Zombie" varies. Some popular works refer to Zombies as undead creatures that crave "brains," whereas others stay loyal to their respctive origins. Some works, specifically World War Z and the Call of Duty franchise, describe Zombies as canabalistic creatures but do not require the host to die before transformation.

Subject ID: 29738


The Undead, commonly referred to as Zombies, refers to a living organism being reanimated after death. Although the concept of a human Zombie is highly unlikely to be found in the real-world, natural occurences have been reported through small inscets, such as the common fly, lady bugs, and spiders.

Within the realm of fiction, the term "Zombie" varies. Some popular works refer to Zombies as undead creatures that crave "brains," whereas others stay loyal to their respctive origins. Some works, specifically World War Z and the Call of Duty franchise, describe Zombies as canabalistic creatures but do not require the host to die before transformation.

Subject ID: 29738


Subject ID: 29738