Collects Avengers Spotlight (1989-1991 Marvel) #26-28, Avengers (1963-1996 1st Series) #311-313, Quasar (1989-1994) #5-7, Iron Man (1968-1996 1st Series) #251-252, Avengers West Coast (1985-1994) #553-55, Cloak and Dagger (1988-1991 Marvel 3rd Series) #9 and material from Captain America (1968-1996 1st Series) #365-367, Thor (1962-1996 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) #411-413, Avengers (1963-1996 1st Series) Annual #19 and Avengers Spotlight (1989-1991 Marvel) #29. An alliance of evil threatens the Avengers! Doctor Doom, the Red Skull, Kingpin, Magneto and more have banded together to pit Earth's Mightiest Heroes against totally unfamiliar foes! The Avengers take on Freedom Force, the Mole Man, the Wrecker, the Juggernaut, Controller, Absorbing Man and more - and suffer a devastating loss! Plus: Cloak and Dagger lend a hand, the New Warriors make their debut - and Magneto pursues a secret agenda all his own! But who is secretly pulling the vengeful cabal's strings? Can the Avengers take down the true mastermind before his hidden scheme succeeds?
Collects Avengers Assemble (2012) #14AU-15AU, Fantastic Four (2012-2014 4th Series) #5AU, Fearless Defenders (2013) #4AU, Superior Spider-Man (2012-2014) #6AU, Ultron (2013) #1AU, Uncanny Avengers (2012 Marvel Now) #8AU, Wolverine and the X-Men (2011-2014) #27AU and Age of Ultron (2013 Marvel) #10AI. As Ultron's onslaught continues across the planet, Black Widow pays a high price in San Francisco and Captain Marvel joins Captain Britain in a fight to save London! The Fantastic Four return from a jaunt across time and space in a futile bid to save their homeworld! Otto Octavius, the Superior Spider-Man, believes it will be simple to vanquish an A.I. threat...but his vanity will prove his undoing! And in Los Angeles, Ultron's "son" - the android Runaway Victor Mancha - battles to prove he's nothing like his "father." Ultron's attack also batters the Fearless Defenders, Uncanny Avengers, Wolverine and more. And in the aftermath, witness a dramatic change for founding Avenger Hank Pym!
"The Book of the Vishanti" Guest-starring Doctor Strange. Doctor Doom and the Dread Dormammu conspire to bring the Bend Sinister phenomenon to Earth's dimension! And the Master of the Mystic Arts is the only person who understands the great evil that now threatens the planet! However Doom and Dormammu's earthly pawn captures Dr. Strange with a surprise attack in Greenwich Village! But before the good doctor goes down, he sends forth a psychic flare for help...to any superhero available in the Big Apple! On this moonlit night, there is only one hero present to answer the call: the Amazing Spider-Man! The web-slinger usually deals with modest villains and small-time criminals; but tonight the wall-crawler tangles with the heavyweights! Earth's precarious future lies in the hands of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! (Notes: This issue features outstanding artwork by Frank Miller and Tom Palmer. This story was reprinted in Marvel Tales 200 and also in the (1994) Complete Frank Miller Spider-Man.)
This really happened!
"Pursue the Panther!" Part 2 of 2. With T'Challa as their prisoner, the Sons of the Serpent launch an all-out media blitz to divide America along racial lines! And the highlight of the serpents' sinister plan is to unmask the Black Panther on national TV! However, the Avengers are frantically searching the city and finally discover their missing teammate's location! With the bright lights shining and the TV cameras rolling, can Earth's Mightiest Heroes squash the serpents and restore harmony in the United States? In the Avengers we trust! (Notes: This issue is Tom Palmer's first work on the Avengers series; and also the first of many Buscema (pencils) and Palmer (inks) pairings on the title.
"The Warlord and the Witch!" Part 1 of 2. Finally! Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are back! Where have they been since (escaping from Magneto in) Avengers 53? The twin mutants along with the Toad had been traveling through Europe looking for a way to restore Wanda's hex power! But unfortunately Pietro's arrival at Avengers Mansion all by himself signals that something has gone terribly wrong! Days earlier while reading from an ancient tome, Wanda accidentally opened a portal to another dimension…and Arkon the Magnificent came crashing through! In a matter of seconds, Arkon grabbed the Scarlet Witch and took her back to his kingdom on Polemachus! So now fast-forwarding to the present, the Avengers must find Arkon, rescue Wanda, and, oh, prevent the nuclear destruction of the Earth! First appearance of Arkon (in a flashback). Cameo appearances by Bill Foster, Yellowjacket, and the Wasp. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Captain America, Goliath, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and the Vision. (Notes: Pietro and Wanda previously appeared in Uncanny X-Men 59 & 60. Quicksilver's light blue costume debuts in this issue.)
"The Blaze of Battle…the Flames of Love!" Part 2 of 2. Inside Avengers Mansion, T'Challa and Cap work feverishly to bridge the gap between Earth and Polemachus…the trans-dimensional world where Arkon has taken the Scarlet Witch and several of the world's greatest atomic scientists! The light-generating energy rings of Polemachus have burned out! And the only way to reignite them is via a nuclear explosion in New York City! Wanda tries to reason with Arkon, but runs out of time once the Avengers attack! With an urgent fury, the Prince of Asgard and Iron Man cut into the Imperion's best guardsmen! But Arkon slips away with Wanda and teleports back to Earth! Pietro, Goliath, the Vision and the panther soon follow in kind! And (as shown on the dramatic cover) on top of the Empire State Building, Earth's Mightiest Heroes battle Arkon the Magnificent…for the life of the world! A terrific issue! Cameo appearances by the Black Widow and Toad. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Captain America, Goliath, Iron Man, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: The Avengers appear next in Incredible Hulk 128 for a showdown with the Green Goliath. Arkon returns in Avengers 84. This issue features the first meeting between the Vision and the Scarlet Witch. The letters page includes letters from comics artist Alan Kupperberg and comics historian Peter Sanderson respectively.
Heroes for Hire!" Earth's Mightiest Heroes go to work! And unfortunately for the highest bidder Cornelius Van Lunt! Due to Stark Industries' financial woes caused by a hostile takeover attempt (by the aforementioned Mr. Van Lunt), the Avengers must come up with the back rent long overdue on their Fifth Avenue Mansion! So now it's time to punch the clock! But after completing their first paid assignment; Pietro and T'Challa sense that something isn't quite right about their working arrangement with Mr. Van Lunt! Are Earth's Mightiest Heroes going to walk off the job? Not until they put the Split-Second Squad out of business! First appearance of the Split-Second Squad. Cameo appearance by Johnny Carson. Flashback cameo by Tony Stark. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Goliath, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and the Vision.
"The Man-Ape Always Strikes Twice!" Part 1 of 2. On a quiet evening atop Avengers Mansion, the Man-Ape ambushes the star-spangled avenger! But thankfully Cap's teammates quickly join the fight and drive off the African super-villain! Why did the Man-Ape strike out at the Avengers all alone? Seems like a tall order for a low-level lackey! Later on after abducting Monica Lynne, the Man-Ape picks a fight with another avenger, the Black Panther! The Prince of Wakanda bravely battles his larger adversary, but does not prevail. However at the end of the struggle, T'Challa learns who is masterminding the Man-Ape's operation…the Grim Reaper! And the scythe-wielding scoundrel will be gunning for the rest of Earth's Mightiest Heroes next issue! Cameo and first appearance of the Lethal Legion. Second appearance of the Grim Reaper. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Captain America, Goliath, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and the Vision. (Notes: The Grim Reaper previously appeared in Avengers 52. The reaper dons his traditional purple and black costume for the first time in this issue.)
"Lo! The Lethal Legion!" Part 2 of 2. The Grim Reaper is back with a new scheme to destroy the Avengers! And this time Eric Williams has brought along some super-powered helpers: the Swordsman, Living Laser, Power Man, and the Man-Ape! Truly a Lethal Legion! But Earth's Mightiest Heroes have responded by summoning the golden avenger and the thunder god to their ranks! After the Black Panther momentarily escapes and warns his teammates about the reaper's plan, the colossal clash begins! The Mighty Avengers vs. the Lethal Legion in the heart of Avengers Mansion! While the battle rages the Grim Reaper's gang appears to seize the upper hand, but looks can be deceiving! As the Vision will prove! Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Captain America, Goliath, Iron Man, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: The Grim Reaper returns in Avengers 102. The Swordsman appears next in Avengers 100. The Grim Reaper discovers the connection between Wonder Man (aka Simon Williams) and the Vision in this issue.
"The Coming of Red Wolf!" Part 1 of 3. First appearance of Red Wolf. During an evening walk through Manhattan, the Vision encounters a man and a wolf! But this isn't just any human and canine duo, it's the newest Marvel superhero Red Wolf, and his faithful partner Lobo! After a brief skirmish, the synthezoid avenger takes Red Wolf to Avengers Mansion to learn why the native American warrior has traveled so far from home. And regrettably the reason is a name Earth's Mightiest Heroes know very well: Cornelius Van Lunt! The ruthless businessman is using extortion to take land from Red Wolf's tribe! So the Avengers will be departing for big sky country very soon, right? Not so fast! Because the golden avenger has identified an urgent threat in the city: the resurgent Zodiac! Will the Avengers divide and conquer both menaces? Origin of Red Wolf. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Captain America, Goliath, Iron Man, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision. (Note: The letters page includes a full-page reply by Roy Thomas to a controversial fan letter (printed in Avengers 79) about the story in Avengers 73 & 74.)
"When Dies A Legend!" Part 2 of 3. The Avengers are splitting up, but not permanently! Just long enough to take care of a double threat! While half the team searches for the Zodiac in New York City; the Vision, Scarlet Witch, and Goliath fly west to the Great Plains to help Red Wolf stop Cornelius Van Lunt's violent land grab! However, a mid-air ambush in the Montana sky quickly derails the Avengers' mission! After the Vision saves Wanda (as foreshadowed on the cover), Van Lunt captures both of them and forces the Vision to fight Goliath! The devious Cornelius has everything going his way until Red Wolf and his fellow tribesmen set dynamite to Van Lunt's precious concrete dam! Can the Indian legend from decades ago reclaim his sacred homeland? And lead the Avengers to victory? Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Captain America, Goliath, Iron Man, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: Cornelius Van Lunt returns in Avengers 120. Red Wolf appears next in Red Wolf 7.)
"Hostage!" Part 3 of 3. Guest-starring Daredevil. Manhattan is under attack by the Zodiac! In the middle of the night, a small international army charges down Madison Avenue! And in a matter of minutes New York's finest are neutralized, the mayor is captured, and the entire island is surrounded by a powerful force field! Unbelievable! Where are New York City's favorite super-heroes?! Unfortunately, the Fantastic Four are out of town; the web-slinger is in Queens; and Cap, Thor, Shell-Head, and Quicksilver are already prisoners of Aries! Oh no! The Zodiac wants one billion dollars or the city's residents will be slaughtered! The situation looks hopeless! But in Aries' murderous quest for notoriety, he may have overlooked a couple of local citizens on the loose: the Man Without Fear and the Prince of Wakanda! Can Daredevil and the Black Panther save the city? Or is the Big Apple's destiny already written in the stars? Cameo appearances by President Richard Nixon, Mayor John Lindsay, Peter Parker, Aunt May, Mr. Fantastic, the Human Torch, Thing, Goliath, Scarlet Witch, and the Vision. (Notes: The Zodiac threaten Manhattan again in Avengers 120. Cover layout by Marie Severin.)
"Come on in, the Revolution's Fine!" Guest-starring Medusa and the Black Widow. One of the landmark issues of the bronze age! While Earth's Mightiest Heroes participate in the Halloween parade in Rutland, Vermont; something very strange is taking place at Avengers Mansion! A new superhero called the Valkyrie assembles the Wasp, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, and Medusa for a special ladies only meeting! The manipulative Valkyrie (with an Asgardian accent) convinces the four heroines to form their own group called the Lady Liberators! And take revenge on their male counterparts in the Avengers! Wow, women's lib to the max! But minutes before the liberators arrive in the green mountain state, the Masters of Evil ambush the Avengers' parade float! Earth's Mightiest Heroes reel under the Masters of Evil's surprise assault until the Lady Liberators strike back…against both teams! Pure chaos in the streets of Rutland! Who could orchestrate such a wild affair? Only an enchanting foe from years ago! Truly an Avengers classic! Cameo appearances by Roy Thomas, Jean Thomas, and Tom Fagan. Cameo Halloween costume appearances by Batman, Captain America, Daredevil, Deadman, Doctor Doom, Dr. Strange, Nighthawk, Sub-Mariner, Thor, and the Red Skull. Flashback cameos by Odin and the Executioner. Masters of Evil Lineup: Klaw, Melter, Whirlwind, and the Radioactive Man. Avengers Lineup: Black Panther, Goliath, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Vision, and the Wasp. (Notes: This is the first appearance or incarnation of the Valkyrie; but not the one of long-time Defenders fame. The next Valkyrie appears in Incredible Hulk 142.
"The Sword and the Sorceress!" The beleaguered Black Knight journeys to the world of Polemachus to solve the mystery of his bloodthirsty ebony blade! However Dane Whitman doesn't know who rules this extra-dimensional planet! Arkon the Magnificent! And the Imperion has a new ally on his home world: the Enchantress! That can't be good for Earth's Mightiest Heroes! And it's not once Arkon captures the knight, and the enchanting Asgardian teleports Wanda, Pietro, Goliath, and the Vision to Polemachus! But back on Earth, the Black Panther enlists the aid of the thunder god; and shortly thereafter all parties are on Polemachus and ready to rumble! The Avengers vs. Arkon and the Enchantress! A marvelous matchup indeed! Flashback cameo by the sixth century Black Knight (aka Sir Percy of Scandia). Avengers Lineup: Black Knight, Black Panther, Goliath, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: Arkon returns in Fantastic Four 160. The letters page includes a letter from comics writer Mike Barr.)
"This Beachhead Earth" Part 5 of 9. Double-sized issue. Guest-starring Captain Marvel. One of the iconic issues of the Avengers! The acclaimed Kree/Skrull War kicks into high gear with the brilliant pencils of Neal Adams! After leaving Avengers Mansion in shame; Quicksilver, Goliath, Rick Jones, the Scarlet Witch, and the Vision trek to upstate New York to check on the safety of Captain Marvel. But before they can reach the safe house, the Fantastic Four (or some alien race mimicking their powers) attacks! In the chaotic battle that follows, Wanda and Pietro are captured and the Vision is badly injured! With his synthetic body failing, the Vision limps back to the mansion! And once inside (and as famously illustrated), the astonishing Ant-Man takes a perilous journey to the center of the android! Can Hank Pym revive the synthezoid avenger? And get Earth's Mightiest Heroes back into the intergalactic free-for-all? Appearances by Rick Jones and the Super-Skrull. Avengers Lineup: Ant-Man, Captain America, Goliath, Iron Man, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision. Cover price 25¢. (Notes: The Vision becomes a mainstay next to the Avengers cover logo thru issue 184. Possible cover alterations made by Marie Severin. The second half of the Kree/Skrull War (issues 93-97) was reprinted in 1983 in the two-issue special edition: The Kree-Skrull War starring the Avengers.)
"More Than Inhuman!" Part 6 of 9. Guest-starring Captain Marvel. After capturing Captain Marvel, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch last issue; the victorious Super-Skrull pilots his spacecraft to the Himalayas to destroy the Inhumans! But the Vision's interference and the impenetrable dome over the Great Refuge thwart the evil skrull's plan! Frustrated by his failure, the Super-Skrull space warps to the Skrull Throneworld with his three super-powered captives in tow! Meanwhile at Avengers Mansion, Earth's Mightiest Heroes work feverishly to develop a counterpunch for the Kree and the Skrulls! But their most pressing problem turns out to be the Alien Activities Commission and the Mandroids! The Mighty Avengers are stuck...moving at the speed of government! First appearance of the Mandroids. Cameo appearances by Nick Fury, Triton, Mr. Fantastic, and the Thing. Avengers Lineup: Captain America, Goliath, Iron Man, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision.
"Something Inhuman This Way Comes..!" Part 7 of 9. Guest-starring Black Bolt and Triton. With a direct blast from his power pods, the golden avenger knocks out the Mandroids! And now the Avengers are free to go after the Skrulls in outer space! But hold on...Triton of the Inhumans suddenly appears and begs Earth's Mightiest Heroes for help! The Kree have installed Maximus as the new ruler of the Great Refuge! And exiled Black Bolt to San Francisco of all places! Once Cap and Goliath recover Black Bolt from the Bay Area, the Mighty Avengers assemble in the Hidden Land to overthrow Maximus the Mad! Can Earth's Mightiest Heroes liberate the Great Refuge and check the Kree's earthward advance? A tremendous issue! Cameo appearances by Nick Fury, Captain Marvel, Quicksilver, the Scarlet Witch, and Supreme Intelligence. Avengers Lineup: Captain America, Goliath, Iron Man, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: This issue's brilliant artwork begins with the classic splash page depicting Triton coming out of the water... and ends with Captain America looking up to the heavens and shaking his fist at the Kree and the Skrulls. Elements of the plot from Amazing Adventures (2nd series) 10 continue in this issue. Additional details of Black Bolt's origin are revealed during the story. There is some question as to whether Neal Adams contributed pencils to the cover.)
"The Andromeda Swarm!" Part 8 of 9. Guest-starring Captain Marvel. Finally, the Avengers blast off into outer space to take the fight to the Kree and the Skrulls! On the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy, Earth's Mightiest Heroes engage the awesome Skrull armada! Cap, Shell-Head, Thor, and the Vision attack the armada's flagship hoping to turn back the entire fleet! During the ferocious battle inside, the Avengers hear about the Skrulls' secret plan to destroy the Earth! And as shown on the dynamic cover, an enraged Vision will do whatever it takes to uncover the devious plan (and rescue the Scarlet Witch)! Meanwhile on Hala, the Kree home planet; the power struggle between the Supreme Intelligence and Ronan the Accuser quietly rages behind the scenes...with Rick Jones caught in the middle! Cameo appearances by Nick Fury and Annihilus. Avengers Lineup: Captain America, Goliath, Iron Man, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision.
"Godhood's End!" Part 9 of 9. Guest-starring Captain Marvel and the Golden Age super-heroes. It's the epic conclusion to the Kree/Skrull War! As Earth's Mightiest Heroes go for broke in the Andromeda Galaxy vs. the Skrulls, while Rick Jones lays it all on the line in the Kree Galaxy against Ronan! The Avengers have help from Captain Marvel in their battle, but young Rick is on his own...until the Supreme Intelligence lends a hand! In dazzling fashion Marvel's Golden Age heroes spring from Rick Jones' mind and attack the Kree! Could the heroes from the past lead the charge to intergalactic victory in the present? Truly a bronze age masterpiece! Cameo appearances by Nick Fury and Annihilus. Golden Age heroes: Angel, Blazing Skull, Captain America, Fin, Patriot, Sub-Mariner, Vision, and the original Human Torch. Avengers Lineup: Captain America, Iron Man, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the Vision. (Notes: The Kree/Skrull War is widely considered the magnum opus of Roy Thomas' scripting run on the Avengers title. What If (1st series) 20 explores an alternative reality where the Avengers have to win the Kree/Skrull War without Rick Jones).
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